Our Impact

Choco4Peace is committed to creating quantifiable value that is aligned with the following six United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, and recorded and measured with Blockchain.

No Poverty

Providing economic growth in an inclusive way in which sustainable jobs are offered and equality is promoted.


Decent Work and Economic Growth

Creating necessary conditions that allow people to have quality jobs, stimulating the economy while not harming the environment.


Climate Action

Addressing this problem that is and will continue disrupting national economies, affecting lives, costing people, communities and countries.


Gender Equality

Supporting this fundamental human right, absolutely necessary as a foundation for a peaceful, prosperous and sustainable world.


Responsible Consumption and Production

“Doing more and better with less”, focusing on the supply chain, involving everyone from producer to final consumer.



Granting and building - for all, access to justice, and effective, accountable institutions at all levels.

BIC Report

It is our sustainability report of the last fiscal year in Colombia in the dimensions of business model, corporate governance, labor, environmental and community practices.


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