The Cacao

Colombian cacao has a competitive market advantage in that the majority of it is “fino de aroma” or fine flavour cacao – which is more flavourful and aromatic than most of the cacao produced in the world.

"Premium Cacao production reached 34,889 tons in the first half of 2020"


The demand for this premium quality cacao is growing in countries like the US and Canada, as well as in Europe, where gourmet chocolatiers are proliferating. There is also a growing awareness of ethical and fair trade principles in this market, leading to increasing demand for better quality and specific flavours, as well as better traceability for cacao origin, and socioeconomic and environmental impact (CBI, 2017).

Production Process



Cacao production begins with the cultivation of cacao trees and harvesting of cacao pods from the trees. The pods have to be harvested by hand to not damage the trees.



The pods are split open, each containing up to 50 beans. The beans are removed, cleaned and sorted by hand. They are placed in wooden boxes for fermentation, then sun-dried and prepared for shipping.



Dried beans are scooped into sacks and shipped to the chocolate factories. Our partner factory is women-led and commited to employment equity.



The factory will process the cacao by roasting the beans and producing a chocolate liquor. This liquor is mixed with other ingredients to add flavours. The liquid chocolate is then molded for sale.

You are just one step away from having amazingly good fino de aroma cacao.

Fruity and flowery with nutty malt notes - don't imagine it, taste it! Support peace and change cacao farmer's lives while indulging with some of the best, most flavourful cacao in the world.